Be sure to log in using Google,
Mail will be filled automatically.
Enter the Tgid received from the bot
Upon subsequent login, you will see your Tgid and Hash


To begin, you need to go to our bot and give the command /start - after that,
it will provide your chat's Tgid where answers will be sent. 😊
This value needs to be pasted on the website in the corresponding field ⚙

Next, install our extension from offical Google Chrome store 😉

And fill fields in extension with Hash, Tgid from this site after Login. ⌨

To use the extension, simply press the Alt+shift+4 combination or click Capture Screenshot in the extension itself.
After that, it will send a screenshot with the task and send the answer to the Telegram chat with the bot. 📷💬

Support, questions, and suggestions in our chat 🤝